Howdy folks! I hope you are having a fan-freeking-tastic weekend. Last night Chris and I went to an international film about a Palestine woman. It was fabulous! After the film there was a question and answer/discussion of Israeli conflicts. I'll admit, I felt very cultured and like a real intellectual college student. If you've never seen an international film with subtitles and all, I highly recommend it.
Last Saturday we went to Snowfest. It's a little carnival that our town puts on every year. There are polar bear dives, ice sculpture contests, sledding and all sorts of fun games and prizes.
Chris up at the plate to make is winning strike! Ha ha it was so fun to bowl down a snowy hill. It is surprisingly a lot harder than it looks ;)
I had to throw this photo in for good measure because he just looks so stinkin cute!
The reason why I say it's snowfest x2 is because tonight we are going snowboarding with some of our best friends Sarah and Skyler. Lets hope it's more of a snow fest than ice fest since we haven't had much snow fall due to cold weather. Either way, it's nice to get out and do something different sometimes. Cheers and ave a great weekend!
Where is the "like" button? Can't wait girl!